105 Biblical Boy Names With History And Meanings


If you’re searching for strong biblical boy names, what better place to look than in the Bible? The Bible contains the sacred scriptures of Judaism and Christianity.

There are several strong names to choose from. Many Christian parents pick these sacred names because of their religious beliefs or because they hope their children will grow up with the same faith.

In this article, we’ve listed over 100 baby boy names that are in the bible. These names come from some of the most important people in scripture. We’ve included the history of each name through research on trusted websites like Britannica and Bible Study Tools.

Not sure if you’re having a girl or a boy? We also have a list of biblical baby names for girls for you to search through!

boy holding the Holy Bible

The names on this list were also researched using websites like BabyCenter to find out their origins and meanings, just remember some names have different meanings in other languages.

Baby Boy Names From The Bible: From Prophets To Other Major Biblical Figures

  • Aaron

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “high mountain; exalted, enlightened”

    • History: Aaron was Moses' older brother and was chosen by God to be a prophet. He often spoke for Moses and played a key role in leading the Israelites out of Egypt.

    • Recommended: Aaron is also on our list of names with attitude

  • Abel

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “breath, vapor”

    • History: Abel was the second son of Adam and Eve. He was a shepherd and was killed by his brother Cain out of jealousy.

  • Abner

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “father of light”

    • History: Abner was the cousin of King Saul and the commander-in-chief of his army. He’s remembered for his role in Israel's early battles.

  • Abraham

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “exalted father; father of many”

    • History: Abraham, originally Abram, is known as the father of the Jewish people. God made a covenant with him, promising him descendants as numerous as the stars.

  • Adam

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “son of the red earth”

    • History: The popular 4 letter name Adam refers to the first man created in God’s image. “And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” (Genesis 2:7)

    • Recommended: Adam is also on our list of red baby names

  • Aeneas

    • Origin: Greek

    • Meaning: “to praise”

    • History: Aeneas is a unique name mentioned in the New Testament (Acts 9:33-34). He was paralyzed and bedridden for eight years until Peter said to him, “Jesus Christ heals you. Get up and roll up your mat,” and he was healed.

  • Amos

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “burden bearer”

    • History: Amos was one of the Twelve Minor Prophets. He called out the social injustices of his day and emphasized the need for righteousness.

  • Asa

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “physician, healer”

    • History: Asa was a king of Judah known for his religious reforms. He's praised in the Bible for removing idols and bringing people back to worship God.

    • Recommended: Asa is also on our list of aesthetic names for boys

  • Asher

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “happy, blessed”

    • History: Asher was one of Jacob’s twelve sons. He and his descendants formed the Tribe of Asher, one of the twelve tribes of Israel.

    • Recommended: Boy Names That Mean Miracle Or Blessing

  • Azriel

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “God is my help”

    • History: Azriel is of Hebrew origin and is a name associated with several biblical characters. One of the notable figures was a father of men who returned with Ezra from exile.

  • Barak

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “lightning”

    • History: Barak was a military commander who, with the prophetess Deborah, led the Israelites to victory against the Canaanite army.

  • Barnabas

    • Origin: Aramaic

    • Meaning: “son of encouragement”

    • History: Barnabas was an early Christian and a companion of the apostle Paul. He played a significant role in the early Christian church and in spreading the gospel.

  • Benjamin

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “son of the right hand”

    • History: Benjamin was the youngest of Jacob’s twelve sons. His descendants formed one of the twelve tribes of Israel.

  • Boaz

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “swiftness”

    • History: Boaz is a key figure in the Book of Ruth. He was a kind landowner who married Ruth, ensuring her safety and security.

    • Recommended: Boy Names That Mean Protector

  • Cain

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “acquired”

    • History: Cain is known in the Bible as Adam and Eve’s first son. He became the first murderer when he killed his brother Abel in a jealous rage.

  • Caleb

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “faithful, devoted”

    • History: Because of their faithfulness, Caleb and Joshua were the only two from their generation of Israelites who left Egypt and were allowed to enter the Promised Land.

  • Cyrus

    • Origin: Persian

    • Meaning: “sun; throne”

    • History: Cyrus the Great was a Persian king mentioned in the Bible. He allowed the Israelites to return to Jerusalem and rebuild their temple after the Babylonian exile.

    • Recommended: Cyrus is also on our list of names that mean sun

  • Daniel

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “God is my judge”

    • History: Daniel is known for the prophetic dreams and visions given to him by the lord, documented in the Book of Daniel. He is from the story where God sent an angel to save Daniel from the lions' den.

  • Darius

    • Origin: Persian

    • Meaning: “maintains possessions well”

    • History: Darius is the name of several Persian kings mentioned in the Bible. Darius the Mede, for instance, took over Babylon after its fall.

  • David

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “beloved”

    • History: David was a shepherd who killed the giant Goliath with a rock in a sling. He was chosen by God to replace Saul as king of Israel.

  • Ebenezer

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “stone of help”

    • History: Ebenezer is a place mentioned in the Bible. It’s where the Israelites set up a stone to remember how God had helped them.

    • Recommended: Ebenezer is also on our list of names meaning stone

  • Eli

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “ascension”

    • History: Eli was a priest and judge of Israel. He mentored the prophet Samuel.

  • Elijah

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “my God is Yahweh”

    • History: Elijah was a prophet known for his confrontations with King Ahab and his dramatic contest on Mount Carmel against the prophets of Baal.

  • Elisha

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “God is salvation”

    • History: Elisha followed in the footsteps of Elijah. He performed numerous miracles, including parting the Jordan River and healing Naaman's leprosy.

holy bible
  • Enos

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “man”

    • History: Enos was the grandson of Adam and the son of Seth. He lived for 905 years and was known for “calling upon the name of the Lord.”

  • Ephraim

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “fruitful”

    • History: Ephraim was one of Joseph’s two sons. His descendants became one of the most prominent tribes of Israel.

  • Elihu

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “He is my God”

    • History: Elihu is from the Book of Job in the Old Testament. He is one of Job’s friends who speaks to him about God’s justice and righteousness. His speeches can be found in Job 32-37.

  • Esau

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “hairy”

    • History: Esau was Jacob's twin brother and is known for trading his birthright for a bowl of stew. He became the father of the Edomites.

    • Recommended: Twin Boy Names That Rhyme

  • Ezekiel

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “God’s strength”

    • History: Ezekiel was the prophet who wrote the Book of Ezekiel where he recorded the visions and revelations he received from God.

      This was one of the major prophetical books of the Old Testament.

    • Recommended: Ezekiel is also on our list of handsome boy names

  • Ezra

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “helper”

    • History: Ezra was a scribe and priest who led a group of Israelites back to Jerusalem after the Babylonian exile and emphasized the importance of the Torah.

  • Felix

    • Origin: Latin

    • Meaning: “happy, fortunate”

    • History: Felix is mentioned in the New Testament as a Roman governor of Judea. He heard Paul's defense when the Apostle was on trial.

  • Gideon

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “cutter down; mighty warrior”

    • History: Gideon was a judge of Israel who, with only 300 soldiers, defeated a Midianite army with God's guidance.

  • Hezekiah

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “God has strengthened”

    • History: Hezekiah was one of Judah's best kings. He trusted in God, purged the nation of idolatry, and witnessed God's miraculous defeat of the Assyrians.

  • Hosea

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “salvation”

    • History: Hosea was a prophet called to send a message of God's love and to warn Israel about the consequences of its sins.

  • Isaac

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “he will laugh”

    • History: Although Sarah was too old to have a child, she gave birth to Isaac after God promised Abraham and Sarah that they would have a son. Isaac was the father of Jacob and the grandfather of the twelve tribes of Israel.

  • Isaiah

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “God saves”

    • History: The Hebrew name Isaiah comes from one of the most well-known prophets in the Bible. He prophesized the coming of the Messiah Jesus Christ and was the Israelite prophet after whom the Book of Isaiah is named.

  • Ishmael

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “God will hear”

    • History: Ishmael was the son of Abraham and Hagar. He is considered the ancestor of the Arab nations.

  • Israel

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “wrestles with God”

    • History: Jacob, son of Isaac, was given the name Israel after wrestling with an angel. His descendants became the twelve tribes of Israel.

  • Jabez

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “sorrow”

    • History: Jabez is mentioned in the Old Testament. He prayed to God to bless him and enlarge his territory. His prayer was answered, making him a symbol of faith and divine blessing. (1 Chronicles 4:9-10)

  • Jacob

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “supplanter; to follow”

    • History: Jacob was the grandson of Abraham and the son of Isaac and Rebekah. He was regarded as a patriarch of the Israelites.

      Jacob, later named Israel, was known for acquiring Esau's birthright. He became the father of the twelve tribes of Israel.

  • Jairus

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “God enlightens”

    • History: Jairus was a synagogue leader in the New Testament. He sought Jesus' help to heal his daughter.

  • Jason

    • Origin: Greek

    • Meaning: “to heal”

    • History: Jason is popular among Christian names. He was a prominent Christian in Thessalonica who provided shelter to Paul and Silas.

  • Jedidiah

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “beloved of the Lord”

    • History: Jedidiah was an alternate name given to Solomon, the son of King David and Bathsheba. God sent the prophet Nathan to name him Jedidiah as a sign of God's love.

  • Jeremiah

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “appointed by God; God will uplift”

    • History: Jeremiah was a major prophet in the Bible who spent forty years delivering God’s messages to Judah. The Book of Jeremiah was named after him and he was nicknamed the “Weeping Prophet” because his heart was so tender.

      What a perfect name for a kind little boy.

    • Recommended: Jeremiah is also on our list of strong male names

Jesus holding out hand
  • Jesus

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “Savior; God is salvation”

    • History: Jesus is the son of God and the second person of the Holy Trinity. He was sent by God to spread his message and performed many miracles.

      His life and teachings are recorded in the Bible's New Testament. Jesus was crucified to pay for the sins of humanity and resurrected three days later according to Christian Gospels.

  • Jethro

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “excellence”

    • History: Jethro was Moses’ father-in-law and the priest of Midian. He gave wise counsel to Moses about leadership.

  • Job

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “persecuted”

    • History: Job was a man greatly tested by God and greatly blessed by God. He was a chosen prophet of God and was the central figure in the Book of Job in the Bible.

  • Joel

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “Yahweh is God”

    • History: Joel was a prophet who spoke of a great locust plague and called the people to repentance. He also prophesied the coming of the Holy Spirit.

  • John (John The Baptist)

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “God is gracious”

    • History: John the Baptist was a key figure in the New Testament of the Bible. He baptized people, including Jesus, in the Jordan River. John told everyone that someone very important was coming soon. He was eventually imprisoned and beheaded by King Herod because of his teachings. He helped prepare the way for Jesus.

  • Jonah

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “dove”

    • History: Jonah derives from the Hebrew word “Yonah,” which means “dove.” He was a prophet who tried to escape God's command to go to Nineveh. Jonah ended up in the belly of a big fish before he obeyed God.

  • Jonathan

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “God has given”

    • History: Jonathan was the son of King Saul and a loyal friend to David. Their friendship is a famous biblical story of loyalty and trust.

statue of Mary Joseph and Jesus
  • Joseph

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “to add; increase; God will give”

    • History: Joseph is a traditional name from one of the well-known men of the Bible. He was the husband of Mary, the mother of Jesus.

      Another Joseph, son of Jacob, was sold into slavery but rose to power in Egypt. He forgave his brothers who sold him and saved them from famine.

    • Recommended: Joseph is also on our list of middle names for Braylin

  • Joshua

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “God is deliverance”

    • History: Joshua was Moses' assistant who led the Israelites into the Promised Land after Moses' death. He is best known for the Battle of Jericho.

  • Josiah

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “God supports”

    • History: Josiah became king of Judah at eight years old. He was noted for his religious reforms and rediscovering the Book of the Law.

  • Judah

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “praise”

    • History: Judah was one of Jacob's twelve sons. His descendants, the tribe of Judah, became one of the most powerful in Israel.

  • Jude

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “praise”

    • History: Jude, also known as Thaddeus, was one of the twelve apostles. He is believed to have written the Epistle of Jude.

  • Laban

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “white”

    • History: Laban was the brother of Rebekah and Father of Leah and Rachel. He's known for tricking Jacob into serving him for 14 years to marry his daughters.

  • Lazarus

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “God has helped”

    • History: Lazarus was resurrected by Jesus four days after his death, showcasing Jesus' power over death.

  • Levi

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “joined, attached”

    • History: Levi was one of the twelve sons of Jacob. His descendants, the Levites, became the priests of Israel.

  • Luke

    • Origin: Greek

    • Meaning: “light giving”

    • History: Luke was a doctor and is believed to have written the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles.

  • Malachi

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “my messenger”

    • History: Malachi, the last of the Old Testament prophets, called the people to sincere worship and predicted the coming of John the Baptist and Jesus.

  • Mark

    • Origin: Latin

    • Meaning: “warlike”

    • History: Mark, also known as John Mark, was a companion of Paul and Barnabas and is traditionally believed to have written the Gospel of Mark.

  • Micah

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “who is like the Lord?”

    • History: Micah was a prophet who foretold the birthplace of the Messiah in Bethlehem. He called for justice and mercy among the people.

  • Mordecai

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “little man”

    • History: Mordecai was a key figure in the Book of Esther. He helped Esther save the Jewish people from a plot to destroy them in Persia.

man in red and white robe walking away
  • Moses

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “delivered from the water”

    • History: Moses was chosen by God to lead the Israelites out of Egyptian slavery. He received the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai.

      These commandments were inscribed by the finger of God on two tablets and summarized how God instructed his people to live.

  • Nahum

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “comforter”

    • History: Nahum was a prophet who predicted the fall of Nineveh. His writings offer hope to the people of Judah.

  • Nathan

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “gift of God”

    • History: Nathan was a prophet during King David’s reign. He boldly confronted David about his sin with Bathsheba.

  • Nehemiah

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “the Lord comforts”

    • History: Nehemiah was a great leader who returned from Babylonian exile and rebuilt Jerusalem's walls. His leadership and trust in God are notable.

  • Nicodemus

    • Origin: Greek

    • Meaning: “victory of the people”

    • History: Nicodemus is a unique biblical name. He was a Pharisee who visited Jesus at night to learn from him. He later helped give Jesus a proper burial.

  • Noah

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “rest; repose”

    • History: Noah was an obedient servant of God amidst a world full of sinners. God favored Noah because he saw that he was righteous.

      Noah is most well-known for building an ark that God commanded him to build before the great flood that God unleashed to destroy all of mankind. (Genesis 6)

    • Recommended: Middle Names For Noah

  • Obadiah

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “servant of the Lord”

    • History: Obadiah was a prophet who wrote the shortest book in the Old Testament. He prophesied the judgment of Edom and the restoration of Israel.

  • Omar

    • Origin: Arabic

    • Meaning: “life, long-lived”

    • History: In the Bible, Omar is a grandson of Esau.

  • Othniel

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “lion of God”

    • History: Othniel was the first of the Israelite Judges. He delivered Israel from the oppression of the Mesopotamian king.

young boy with head down praying
  • Phinehas

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “mouth of brass”

    • History: Phinehas was a priest, the son of Eleazar and grandson of Aaron. He's recognized for his zealous act in defense of God's honor.

  • Reuben

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “behold, a son”

    • History: Reuben was the youngest son of Jacob and Leah. He lost his birthright due to indiscretion but is still noted as one of the patriarchs of Israel's tribes.

  • Rufus

    • Origin: Latin

    • Meaning: “red”

    • History: Rufus is mentioned in the New Testament as a son of Simon of Cyrene, who helped carry Jesus' cross.

  • Samson

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “sun”

    • History: Samson was a judge of Israel with extraordinary strength. His life was marked by both great feats and personal flaws.

  • Samuel

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “name of God”

    • History: Samuel, from the Book of Samuel, was the last judge of Israel and the first of the prophets after Moses.

  • Seth

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “appointed”

    • History: Seth was the third son of Adam and Eve. Born after Abel's death, he was a key ancestor of humanity, leading to Noah and, subsequently, all of humanity.

  • Silas

    • Origin: Latin

    • Meaning: “wood, forest”

    • History: Silas was a prominent member of the early Christian community. He accompanied Paul on parts of his missionary journeys, spreading the teachings of Jesus.

  • Simeon

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “he hears”

    • History: Simeon was the second son of Jacob and Leah. In the New Testament, another Simeon was a devout man who blessed baby Jesus in the temple.

  • Solomon

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “peace; harmony”

    • History: Solomon is known for being the king of Israel who built the first Temple in Jerusalem.

    • Recommended: Solomon is also on our list of boy names that mean harmony

  • Stephen

    • Origin: Greek

    • Meaning: “crown”

    • History: Stephen was the first Christian martyr, stoned to death for his beliefs. His passionate speech and subsequent death inspired many, including Paul.

  • Timothy

    • Origin: Greek

    • Meaning: “honoring God”

    • History: Timothy was a close companion of Paul. He's mentioned in the New Testament letters as a young leader in the early Christian church.

  • Titus

    • Origin: Latin

    • Meaning: “title of honor”

    • History: Titus was a trusted companion of Paul. He received one of the pastoral letters in the New Testament and helped establish churches.

  • Uriah

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “God is my light”

    • History: Uriah was a soldier in King David's army. Notably, he was the husband of Bathsheba, whom David took as his wife after arranging for Uriah's death in battle.

  • Zachariah

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “the Lord remembers”

    • History: Zachariah isn’t just an Old Testament name from the prophet who carried it. In the New Testament, another Zachariah was the father of John the Baptist.

  • Zechariah

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “the Lord remembers”

    • History: Zechariah was one of the twelve minor prophets of the Old Testament. His prophecies often pointed towards the coming of the Messiah.

  • Zedekiah

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “justice of the Lord”

    • History: Zedekiah was the last king of Judah before the destruction of the temple and the Babylonian exile.

  • Zeke

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “God will strengthen”

    • History: Zeke is a diminutive form of Ezekiel. Ezekiel was a prophet who had many visions, particularly of a new and restored Holy Land.

  • Zephaniah

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “the Lord hides”

    • History: Zephaniah was a prophet who warned of impending judgment and the Day of the Lord but also spoke of future joy for the remnant of Israel.

the last supper painting

The 12 Apostles

Also known as the twelve disciples, these were regular men who were the closest followers of Jesus Christ. After witnessing His crucifixion and resurrection, they went out and preached the Word of God everywhere.

  • Andrew

    • Origin: Greek

    • Meaning: “manly, brave”

    • History: Andrew was a fisherman and the brother of Peter, and he introduced Peter to Jesus.

  • Bartholomew

    • Origin: Aramaic

    • Meaning: “son of Talmai”

    • History: Bartholomew is believed to be another name for Nathanael, one of the twelve apostles of Jesus. He is known for his initial skepticism about Jesus being from Nazareth but later became a devoted follower.

  • Baruch

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “blessed”

    • History: Baruch was the secretary of the prophet Jeremiah. He wrote down Jeremiah's prophecies and read them to the people.

  • James (son of Alphaeus)

    • Origin: English; Latin

    • Meaning: “supplanter”

    • History: Known as James the Less or James the Younger, was one of Jesus' Twelve Apostles. There's less information about him in the New Testament compared to other apostles. Some believe he might have been Jesus' cousin, but his exact role and life events are not as detailed in the scriptures.

  • James (son of Zeb’edee)

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “supplanter”

    • History: James, also called James the Greater, was one of Jesus' Twelve Apostles. He was John's brother and was close to Jesus. He saw many important events with Jesus. James was the first apostle to die for his faith, killed by King Herod Agrippa I.

  • John

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “graced by God”

    • History: John was a close friend of Jesus and one of his twelve apostles. He wrote parts of the New Testament: the Gospel of John, three letters (called epistles), and the Book of Revelation. John shared Jesus' teachings and stories about his life.

  • Judas (Iscariot)

    • Origin: Greek

    • Meaning: “praised”

    • History: Judas Iscariot is one of the most well-known figures in the Bible. He was one of the twelve apostles of Jesus but became infamous for betraying Jesus to the authorities for thirty pieces of silver. This act led to Jesus' crucifixion, and Judas is often remembered for his role in that betrayal.

  • Matthew

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “gift of the Lord”

    • History: Matthew, also known as Levi, was a tax collector before becoming an apostle. He wrote the Gospel of Matthew.

    • Recommended: Matthew is also on our list of names that mean gift from God

  • Philip

    • Origin: Greek

    • Meaning: “friend of horses”

    • History: Philip was one of Jesus' twelve apostles. He brought his friend Nathanael to meet Jesus and played an important role in the early church. He's also known for helping an Ethiopian man understand the scriptures.

    • Recommended: Philip is also on our list of names that mean friend

  • Simon (the Zealot)

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “he has heard”

    • History: Simon is often referred to as a Zealot because of his earlier association with the Zealot movement, a Jewish political group. Simon dedicated his life to spreading the teachings of Jesus after becoming an apostle.

  • Simon (whom Jesus later renamed Peter)

    • Origin: Simon is Hebrew, Paul is Latin

    • Meanings:

      • Simon “he has heard”

      • Paul “small; humble”

    • History: Simon (later named Peter) played a pivotal role in the early Christian church and was considered one of Jesus' closest disciples. He is often remembered for his steadfast faith and his role in spreading Christianity after the crucifixion of Jesus.

  • Thomas

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “twin”

    • History: Thomas, often referred to as “Doubting Thomas,” gained his nickname when he expressed doubt about Jesus' resurrection until he saw Jesus with his own eyes. Thomas later became a strong believer and is known for his missionary work in spreading Christianity.

  • Thaddeus

    • Origin: Hebrew

    • Meaning: “heart”

    • History: Although not as prominently mentioned as some of the other apostles, he played a vital role in spreading the teachings of Jesus after his crucifixion and resurrection. Thaddeus was known for his unwavering faith and commitment to the Christian faith.

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