29 Super Cute And Funny Quotes For A Sleeping Baby


Is there anything in the world more adorable than a sleeping baby? There’s nothing like the feeling of joy that you get when you watch your little one drift off to sleep and suddenly smile!

PennState has an interesting article about infants smiling. “Some research shows that they smile most often as they’re falling asleep and waking up,” says Alan Fogel, Ph.D., professor of psychology at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City and author of Infancy: Infant, Family and Society.

Whether you’re looking for the perfect social media post or creating wall decor for your baby’s room, we have the best quotes for a sleeping baby to make you smile.

In this post, discover 29 sleeping baby quotes that are cute, funny, and sweet.

mom holding sleeping baby

Cute Quotes For A Sleeping Baby

“When my baby is sleeping, that’s when I think ‘wow, I made that’.”

― Maria Jose Ovalle

“Happiness is when you’re singing lullabies as you watch your baby fall asleep.”

― Debasish Mridha

“Having my baby fall asleep in my arms takes away all of my worries and stresses. A sense of complete and total peace comes over me.”

― Maria Jose Ovalle

“Kiss your children goodnight, even if they are already asleep.”

― H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

“The babies are amazing; they begin each day all warm and sleepy, smelling of promise.”

― Julia Roberts

“A mother’s arms are made of tenderness and children sleep soundly in them.”

― Victor Hugo

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“My aunt gave me the best advice: Put her to sleep yourself every night. Sing to her and cradle her in your arms and sit by her side- every night. Because one day you won’t be able to.”

― Salma Hayek

“Sleeping babies are like little blankets- my daughter keeps me nice, and warm when snoozing in my arms.”

― Maria Jose Ovalle

“When babies sleep with or near their parents, they are not being spoiled, they are being made to feel secure and accepted.”

― Dr. Lendon Smith

“The only thing worth stealing is a kiss from a sleeping child.”

― J. H. Oldham

“No one can possess an afternoon of rain beating against the window, or the serenity of a sleeping child, or the magical moment when the waves break on the rocks. It is through such moments that God reveals himself to mankind.”

― Paulo Coelho

“There are hard days in motherhood. But looking at your sleeping baby reminds you when it’s all worth it.”

― Kara Ferwerda

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sleeping baby quote above image of baby yawning

Funny Quotes About A Sleeping Baby

“Sleep when your baby sleeps. Everyone knows this classic tip, but I say why stop there? Scream when your baby screams. Take Benadryl when your baby takes Benadryl. And walk around pantless when your baby walks around pantless.”

― Tina Fey

“Everyone should have kids. They are the greatest joy in the world. But they are also terrorists. You’ll realize this as soon as they are born and they start using sleep deprivation to break you.”

― Ray Romano

“I’m a walking zombie and I think I’m going to be like that for a while.”

― Tiffani Thiessen

“That moment when you go to check on your sleeping baby and their eyes ping open so you drop to the floor and roll out of the room like a ninja.”

― Unknown

“Our baby in particular is, we think, allergic to sleep. We think that she thinks that she’s protecting us from the sleep monsters. She’s like Oh, I gotta keep them up or the sleep monsters will get them.”

― Ryan Reynolds

“The one advice that I would give just to moms who have a child or a newborn is definitely sleep while the baby sleeps. I’ve heard that so many times. I never realized how true it really is. If you don’t, you’ll be walking around like a zombie.”

― Tia Mowry

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“Sleep is like the unicorn- it is rumored to exist, but I doubt I will see any.”

― Dr. Seuss

“The first night your baby sleeps 8 hours straight, you think you’d celebrate. Instead, you will run into their room thinking ‘Oh my god, are they breathing?!’”

― Unknown

“Don’t ever tell the mother of a newborn that her baby’s smile is just gas.”

― Jill Woodhull

“They tell you that at his age, all they do is eat, sleep, and poop. And what I’ve learned is that they can actually do all three at the same time. Who knew?”

― Josh Duhamel

“When you have a baby, sleep is not an option. You can’t sleep. Even on vacation, you wake up at 6:30 am.”

― Jimmy Fallon

 “A sleeping baby is the new happy hour.”

― Unknown

“Having children is like living in a frat house- nobody sleeps, everything’s broken, and there’s a lot of throwing up.”

― Ray Romano

“They eat, they crap, they sleep, and if they’re crying, they need to do one of the three and they’re having trouble doing it. Real simple.”

― Matthew McConaughey

“May your coffee be strong and your baby’s naps long.”

― Unknown

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“Sometimes going to bed feels like the highlight of my day. Ironically, to my children, bedtime is a punishment that violates their basic rights as human beings.”

― Jim Gaffigan

“Why don’t kids understand that their nap is not for them but for us?”

― Alyson Hannigan

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We’d love to hear if you have any favorites from our list. Or maybe you’ve got a suggestion that you’d like added?

Either way, leave a comment and let us know!

funny sleeping baby quote with image of baby napping

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