138 Beautiful Girl Names With Meanings & Rankings


True beauty is rooted in a person's characteristics, such as honesty, integrity, courage, and compassion. These traits reflect the essence of an individual's character and leave a lasting impression on those around them.

Beautiful girl names can have a range of meanings. Sometimes parents choose a name that has a pretty meaning or simply sounds beautiful.

Some of the most beautiful names are inspired by nature, with meanings like "flower" or "butterfly". Other names are derived from different cultures and languages, these unique names for a baby girl have meanings that reflect their deep histories and traditions.

In this post, find a mixture of over 100 girl names that mean beautiful and names with other meanings that simply sound pretty.

beautiful little girl smiling big wearing a bun hairstyle

Girl Names Meaning Beautiful

(Origins) and “meanings”

The names on this list were researched on sites like BabyCenter to find their meanings and origins. Keep in mind, some baby names have different meanings in several languages.

We have sourced the popularity rankings in the United States for each name from the Social Security Administration and included them for your reference.


  • Abigail (Hebrew) “my father’s joy”

    Abigail has consistently been among the most popular baby names in the United States, ranking between the top 4 and top 17 names since the year 2000.

  • Adeline (French) “noble”

    Adeline has risen significantly in popularity, starting at a rank of 805 in the year 2000 and steadily climbed to 94 in 2021.

  • Alana (Gaelic) “beauty”

    Alana's popularity ranking has fluctuated over the years. It was ranked 253 in the year 2000, saw a gradual increase peaking at 143, and then declined again to 224 in 2021.

  • Alayna (Irish) “beautiful, dear child”

    Alayna has increased a bit in popularity, starting at 426 in the year 2000 and climbed to 262 in 2021.

  • Annabell (English) “grace; beauty”

    The last popularity number listed for Annabell was 937 in the year 2014.

  • Ani (Hawaiian) “beautiful” - Ani is also on our list of 3 letter girl names

    Ani has no popularity data listed on the SSA website.

  • Arabella (Latin) "yielding to prayer"

    Arabella has steadily increased in popularity over the years. It started at 796 in the year 2005 and got all the way to 195 in 2021.

  • Aurora (Latin) "dawn" - Aurora is also on our list of girl names with nicknames and space names for girls

    Aurora has rapidly increased in popularity over the years. It started at 488 in the year 2000 and went all the way to 36 in 2021.

  • Averie (English) "ruler of the elves"

    Averie has been doing better in popularity than it used to but still relatively low on the list. In the year 2004, it was 985 and got to 487 by 2021.


  • Bella (Latin, Greek) “beautiful”

    Bella's popularity has surged rapidly over the years, going from a rank of 749 in the year 2000 to 73 in 2021.

  • Belle (French) “beauty” - Belle is also on our list of one syllable girl names

    Belle has been decreasing in popularity. Its ranking dropped from 934 in 2016 to 1000 in 2020.

  • Bellissa (Italian and Latin) “beautiful”

    Bellissa has no popularity data listed on the SSA website.

  • Belva (Latin) “beautiful view”

    Belva is not in the top 1000 names for any year of birth beginning with the year 2000 on the SSA website.

  • Bethany (Hebrew) “house of figs”

    Bethany has been declining in popularity over the years. In 2000 it ranked 151 and in 2021 it ranked 646.

  • Beverly (English) “beaver stream”

    Beverly has no popularity data listed on the SSA website.

  • Brianna (Irish) “high, noble”

    Brianna has been decreasing in popularity. Its ranking dropped from 15 in the year 2000 to 184 in 2021.


  • Calista (Greek) “she that is most beautiful”

    Calista has decreased in popularity from a ranking of 626 in the year 2000 to 870 in 2004.

  • Callidora (Greek) “gift of beauty”

    Callidora is not in the top 1000 names for any year of birth beginning with the year 2000 on the SSA website.

  • Caralisa (Latin) “beloved”

    Caralisa is not in the top 1000 names for any year of birth beginning with the year 2000 on the SSA website.

  • Carina (Spanish) “dear one”

    Carina has been decreasing in popularity. Its ranking dropped from 567 in the year 2000 to 948 in 2021.

  • Catalyn (Greek) “pure” - Catalyn is also on our list of girl names with attitude

    Catalyn has no popularity data listed on the SSA website.

  • Cathryn (Greek ) “pure”

    Cathryn is not in the top 1000 names for any year of birth beginning with the year 2000 on the SSA website.

  • Cecilia (Latin) “blind”

    Cecilia has increased in popularity over the years from a ranking of 283 in the year 2000 to 132 in 2021.

  • Celine (French) “heavenly”

    Celine has gained popularity over the years but is still relatively low. It ranked 677 in the year 2000 and by 2021 was listed at 390.

  • Charlotte (French) "free”

    Charlotte has skyrocketed in popularity over the years, going from a rank of 289 in the year 2000 to 3 in 2021.

    RELATED: Middle Names For Charlotte

  • Cheyenne (Native American) “to speak unintelligibly”

    Cheyenne has been decreasing in popularity. Its ranking dropped from 99 in the year 2000 to 661 in 2021.

  • Claire (French) “bright, clear”

    Claire has been a consistent favorite among baby names, ranking in the top 100 every year. In 2000, it was ranked at 86 and has since risen to 59 in 2021

  • Clarabelle (Latin) “bright and beautiful”

    Clarabelle is not in the top 1000 names for any year of birth beginning with the year 2000 on the SSA website.


  • Daisy (English) “day’s eye”

    Daisy has stayed in the top 200 in popularity rankings over the years. In 2021, it ranked 134 and in the year 2000 it was listed at 141.

  • Dakota (Native American) “friend” - Dakota is also on our list of names that mean friend

    Dakota has stayed mostly between 200 to 300 in popularity rankings over the years. It ranked 296 in the year 2000 and was listed at 270 in 2021.

  • Daphne (Greek) “bay tree” - Daphne is also on our list of names meaning green

    Daphne has increased in popularity somewhat over the years. It ranked 633 in the year 2000 and was listed at 288 in 2021.

  • Delilah (Hebrew) “delicate”

    Delilah has steadily increased in popularity over the years. It started at 674 in the year 2000 and went all the the way to 58 in 2021.

  • Dorothy (Greek) “God’s gift”

    Dorothy has increased in popularity a bit over the years but is still relatively low. It started at 737 in the year 2000 and was listed at 483 in 2021.

little girl giggling


  • Edeline (German) “noble kind”

    Edeline is not in the top 1000 names for any year of birth beginning with the year 2000 on the SSA website.

  • Elaina (Greek) “light”

    Elaina has increased in popularity over the years but still hasn’t made the top 200. It was listed at 505 in the year 2000 and got up to 257 in 2021.

  • Eleana (Hebrew) “my God has answered”

    Eleana is not in the top 1000 names for any year of birth beginning with the year 2000 on the SSA website.

  • Elizabeth (Hebrew) “my God is my oath”

    Elizabeth has held a top 20 spot in popularity consistently over the years. It ranked 9 in the year 2000 and 14 in 2021.

  • Ella (German and English) “beautiful fairy woman”

    Ella has become a steadily popular name. It began at 264 in the year 2000 and most recently got to 16 in 2021.

  • Elsie (Scottish) “pledged to God”

    Elsie has been steadily rising in popularity over the years. It began at 920 in the year 2005 and got to 221 in 2021.

  • Elyssa (Greek and Hebrew) “God is my oath”

    Elyssa doesn’t have much popularity data. In the year 2000 it was listed at 876 and ranked 992 in 2005.

  • Ember (English) “spark, burning low”

    Ember has been increasing in popularity over the years. It began at 882 in the year 2009 and got to 163 in 2021.

  • Evangeline (Greek) “good news”

    Evangeline has been increasing in popularity over the years. It began at 598 in the year 2006 and went to 237 in 2021.


  • Faith (English) “faithful”

    Faith has gone down in popularity over the years. It ranked only 66 in 2000 but by 2021 it was up to 169.

  • Farrah (Arabic and English) “pleasant, happiness”

    Farrah has decreased in popularity from 551 in the year 2010 to 958 in 2016.

  • Fiona (Scottish) “white, fair”

    Fiona has improved in popularity rankings over the years. It was listed at 460 in the year 2000 and ranked 296 in 2021.

  • Flora (Latin) “flower”

    Flora has been ranking fairly low in popularity at 941 in 2019 and 647 in 2021.


  • Gabriella (Spanish and Italian) “God is my strength” - Gabriella is also on our list of strong girl names

    Gabriella has been a consistent favorite among baby names, ranking in the top 100 every year. In 2000, it was ranked at 98 and was 83 in 2021.

  • Giana (Italian) “God is gracious”

    Giana has been ranking fairly low in popularity at 865 in 2002 and 757 in 2021.

  • Giselle (German) “pledge”

    Giselle has lost some popularity over the years. It ranked 212 in the year 2000 and 361 in 2021.

  • Gloriana (Latin) “glory”

    Gloriana is not in the top 1000 names for any year of birth beginning with the year 2000 on the SSA website.

  • Grace (Latin) “charm” - Grace is also on our list of middle names for Braylin

    Grace is another favorite baby name ranking in the top 35 every year. It was listed at 19 in the year 2000 and went to 34 in 2021.


  • Haley (English) “hay clearing”

    Haley has been steadily decreasing in popularity. Its ranking dropped from 28 in the year 2000 to 560 in 2021.

  • Hannah (Hebrew) “grace” - Hannah is also on our list of Christian names for girls

    Hannah is another consistently popular baby name ranking 2 in the year 2000 and 44 in 2021.

  • Harika (Turkish) “beautiful miracle”

    Harika is not in the top 1000 names for any year of birth beginning with the year 2000 on the SSA website.

  • Harlow (English) “army hill”

    Harlow has been increasing in popularity over the years. It began at 904 in the year 2009 and got to 238 in 2021.

  • Harmony (Greek) “concord”

    Harmony has been increasing in popularity over the years. It began at 721 in the year 2000 and got to 198 in 2021.

  • Helene (Greek) “shining light”

    Helene is not in the top 1000 names for any year of birth beginning with the year 2000 on the SSA website.

pretty girl smiling with pigtails


  • Indira (Sanskrit) “beauty”

    Indira is not in the top 1000 names for any year of birth beginning with the year 2000 on the SSA website.

  • Iris (Greek) “rainbow”

    Iris has been increasing in popularity over the years. Starting at 414 in the year 2000 and went up to 107 in 2021.

  • Isabella (Hebrew) “God is my oath”

    Isabella has been a consistent favorite among baby names, ranking in the top 10 every year since 2004. In 2021 it was listed at 7.

  • Ivory (English) “white, pure”

    Ivory is not in the top 1000 names for any year of birth beginning with the year 2000 on the SSA website.


  • Jacinta (Greek) “beautiful”

    Jacinta is not in the top 1000 names for any year of birth beginning with the year 2000 on the SSA website.

  • Jaeda (Arabic) “beauty with long neck”

    Jaeda is not in the top 1000 names for any year of birth beginning with the year 2000 on the SSA website.

  • Joelle (French) “Jehovah is God”

    Joelle is not in the top 1000 names for any year of birth beginning with the year 2000 on the SSA website.

  • Johanna (Hebrew) “God is gracious”

    Johnanna has decreased in popularity over the years. It’s down from 468 in the year 2000 to 704 in 2021.

  • Jolie (French) “beautiful; pretty”

    Jolie hasn’t ranked under 500 at all. Its popularity was listed at 820 in the year 2000 and 735 in 2021.

  • Josephine (French) “God will increase”

    Josephine is not in the top 1000 names for any year of birth beginning with the year 2000 on the SSA website.


  • Kaitlyn (Irish) “pure”

    Kaitlyn has gone down in popularity over the years. It was listed at 30 in the year 2000 and in 2021 ranked 580.

  • Kalani (Hawaiian) “the heavens” - Kalani is also on our list of names that mean sky

    Kalani has improved slighly in popularity from 2015 when it ranked 838 to 2021 when it ranked 338.

  • Kalie (Gaelic) “darling, beloved”

    Kalie is not in the top 1000 names for any year of birth beginning with the year 2000 on the SSA website.

  • Karessa (Greek) “very dear”

    Karessa is not in the top 1000 names for any year of birth beginning with the year 2000 on the SSA website.

  • Katherine (Greek) “pure”

    Katherine has been a popular baby name choice but has gone down a bit over the years. It ranked 33 in 2000 and 158 in 2021.

  • Kelsee (Irish) “brave”

    Kelsee is not in the top 1000 names for any year of birth beginning with the year 2000 on the SSA website.

  • Kesara (Spanish) “youthful”

    Kesara is not in the top 1000 names for any year of birth beginning with the year 2000 on the SSA website.

  • Kinsey (English) “king’s victory”

    Kinsey has stayed around the same popularity for several years. In 2000 it ranked 878 and in 2011 it was listed at 843.

  • Kolena (Greek) “pure”

    Kolena is not in the top 1000 names for any year of birth beginning with the year 2000 on the SSA website.

  • Kristina (Latin) “follower of Christ”

    Kristina has decreased in popularity over the years. It ranked 218 in 2000 and was listed at 969 in 2017.

  • Kyomi (Japanese) “pure and beautiful”

    Kyomi is not in the top 1000 names for any year of birth beginning with the year 2000 on the SSA website.


  • Lacey (English) “from lassy”

    Lacey has decreased in popularity from 371 in the year 2000 to 808 in 2021.

  • Laina (English) “path, roadway”

    Laina is not in the top 1000 names for any year of birth beginning with the year 2000 on the SSA website.

  • Lanie (English) “path, roadway”

    Lanie is not in the top 1000 names for any year of birth beginning with the year 2000 on the SSA website.

  • Lauralyn (Latin) "the laurel tree"

    Lauralyn is not in the top 1000 names for any year of birth beginning with the year 2000 on the SSA website.

  • Leyla (Arabic) “night, black”

    Leyla has increased slighlty in popularity over the years. It ranked 998 in 2005 and 672 in 2021.

  • Lilliana (English) “lily”

    Lilliana has increased in popularity from 931 in the year 2000 to a rank of 371 in 2021.

  • Linda (Spanish) “pretty; beautiful”

    Linda’s popularity has gone down over the years. It ranked 357 in 2000 and 850 in 2021.

  • Lydia (Greek) “beautiful; noble one”

    Lydia has been increasing in popularity over the years. It ranked 148 in the year 2000 and went to 90 in 2021.

  • Lyndsey (English) “a place of linden trees”

    Lyndsey has gone down in popularity from 639 in the year 2000 to 927 in 2004.

pretty little girl with brown hair and bangs smiling


  • Mabel (Latin) “beautiful”

    Mabel has increased in popularity from 710 in 2013 to 375 in 2021.

  • Madalene (Greek) “woman of Magdala”

    Madalene is not in the top 1000 names for any year of birth beginning with the year 2000 on the SSA website.

  • Maisie (English) “pearl”

    Maisie has increased in popularity slightly going from 653 in 2014 to 405 in 2021.

  • Makayla (Hebrew) "who is like God"

    Makayla has gone down significantly in popularity over the years. It ranked 67 in 2000 and 355 in 2021.

  • Malaika (African) “angel”

    Malaika is not in the top 1000 names for any year of birth beginning with the year 2000 on the SSA website.

  • Mandalyn (Italian) “stringed instrument”

    Mandalyn is not in the top 1000 names for any year of birth beginning with the year 2000 on the SSA website.

  • Marabel (Hebrew) “beautiful Mary”

    Marabel is not in the top 1000 names for any year of birth beginning with the year 2000 on the SSA website.

  • Maria (Latin) “of the sea, bitter, beloved”

    Maria has been a popular ranking name over the years. It was listed at 41 in the year 2000 and went to 106 in 2021.

  • Marianna (Spanish) “drop of the sea, bitter, beloved” - Marianna is also on our cool city names for girls list

    Marianna decreased slightly in popularity from 787 in the year 2000 to 859 in 2021.

  • Maryanna (English) “drop of the sea, bitter, beloved”

    Maryanna is not in the top 1000 names for any year of birth beginning with the year 2000 on the SSA website.

  • Maya (English) “water, good mother”

    Maya has been a popular name over the years listed at 113 in the year 2000 and improving to 55 in 2021.

  • Meadow (American) “field of grass"

    Meadow has increased in popularity from 806 in 2001 to 499 in 2021.

  • Melina (Greek) “honey” - Melina is also on our list of orange names for girls

    Melina has ranked between 500 and 650 up and down over the years. It was listed at 543 in the year 2000 and 633 in 2021.

  • Melody (English) “song tune” - Melody is also in our list of hippie girl names

    Melody has gone up in rankings over the years. It was listed at 398 in the year 2000 and improved to 113 in 2021.


  • Nailah (Arabic) “successful”

    Nailah is not in the top 1000 names for any year of birth beginning with the year 2000 on the SSA website.

  • Naomi (Hebrew) “pleasantness; beautiful”

    Naomi has improved in popularity over the years. It ranked in the year 2000 at 183 and in 2021 was listed at 54.

  • Noel (English) “birthday of the Lord”

    Noel has ranked steadily in the 350 to 450 range. It was listed at 406 in the year 2000 and 397 in 2021.

  • Nomi (Hebrew) “beautiful”

    Nomi is not in the top 1000 names for any year of birth beginning with the year 2000 on the SSA website.


  • Olina (Hawaiian) “joyous”

    Olina is not in the top 1000 names for any year of birth beginning with the year 2000 on the SSA website.

  • Orabella (Italian) “beautiful gold”

    Orabella is not in the top 1000 names for any year of birth beginning with the year 2000 on the SSA website.


  • Paige (English) “servant”

    Paige has been steadlily decreasing in popularity over the years. It ranked 69 in the year 2000 and 300 in 2021.

  • Pearle (Latin) “precious”

    Pearle is not in the top 1000 names for any year of birth beginning with the year 2000 on the SSA website.

  • Peyton (English) “fighting man’s estate”

    Peyton has increased in popularity over the years from ranking at 168 in the year 2000 down to 99 in 2021.

beautiful girl with colorful bathing suit


  • Raana (Hebrew) “beautiful”

    Raana is not in the top 1000 names for any year of birth beginning with the year 2000 on the SSA website.

  • Ramana (Sanskrit) “beautiful”

    Ramana is not in the top 1000 names for any year of birth beginning with the year 2000 on the SSA website.

  • Rebekah (Hebrew) "captivating, knotted cord"

    Rebekah has decreased in popularity over the years. It ranked 173 in the year 2000 and went all the way to 835 in 2021.

  • Rosalina (German) “gentle horse”

    Rosalina is not in the top 1000 names for any year of birth beginning with the year 2000 on the SSA website.

  • Rosemary (Latin) "dew of the sea” - Rosemary is also on our list of names that mean water

    Rosemary decreased in rankings from 631 in the year 2000 to 368 in 2021.


  • Sandra (English) “defender of the people”

    Sandra has decreased in popularity over the years ranking 257 in 2000 dropping to 998 in 2021.

  • Savannah (Native American) “open plain”

    Savannah has ranking in the top 70 baby names consistently. It was listed at 37 in the year 2000 and went to 68 in 2021.

  • Selene (Greek) “moon”

    Selene has improved a bit in rankings going from 987 in 2006 to 721 in 2021.

  • Shaina (Hebrew) “pretty”

    The only data listed for Shaina is ranking 794 in the year 2000.

  • Shayla (Gaelic) “from the fairy place”

    Shayla has decreased in popularity from a 312 ranking in the year 2000 to 986 in 2016.

  • Skylar (American) “scholar”

    Skylar is a popular name in the United States ranking 135 in 2000 and improving to 74 in 2021.

  • Sofie (Greek) "wisdom"

    Sofie ranked 997 in 2012 according to the Social Security Administration.

  • Sophia (Greek) "wisdom"

    Sophia has made the top 10 rankings every year between 2006 and 2021. It’s most recent ranking was a 6.

  • Susana (Portuguese) “lily”

    Susana’s popularity decreased when it went from ranking 717 in the year 2000 down to 999 in 2007.


  • Tara (Irish) "rocky hill"

    Tara used to rank 239 back in the year 2000 but declined to 984 in 2017.

  • Taylor (English) “one who tailors clothes”

    Taylor was more popular in the year 2000 when it ranked 10. The most recent ranking in 2021 has it listed at 192.

  • Teah (Greek) “goddess”

    Teah is not in the top 1000 names for any year of birth beginning with the year 2000 on the SSA website.

  • Tegan (Welsh) “darling one”

    Tegan had a ranking of 940 in 2010 and 973 in 2017.

  • Thalia (Greek) “to blossom or flourish”

    Thalia has decreased a bit from its 630 ranking in the year 2000 to 726 in 2021.


  • Ulyana (Russian) “youthful”

    Ulyana is not in the top 1000 names for any year of birth beginning with the year 2000 on the SSA website.

pretty toddler girl with white and blue shirt


  • Vanora (Welsh) “white wave”

    Vanora is not in the top 1000 names for any year of birth beginning with the year 2000 on the SSA website.

  • Venessa (Greek) “butterfly”

    Vanessa is still a popular name but its rankings dipped from 62 in the year 2000 to 253 in 2021.

  • Victoria (Latin) “victory”

    Victoria has been in the top 45 baby names consistently. It ranked 20 in 2000 and 43 in 2021.

  • Violet (Latin) “purple”

    Violet has shot up in popularity since its 734 ranking in the year 2000. It was ranked 35 in 2021.


  • Willow (English) “slender, graceful” - Willow is also on our list of plant names for babies

    Willow has also exploded in popularity from its earlier days. In 2000 it ranked 761 but its listed at 39 in 2021.


  • Yedda (English) “beautiful voice”

    Yedda is not in the top 1000 names for any year of birth beginning with the year 2000 on the SSA website.

  • Yvonne (French) “yew”

    Yvonne ranked 829 in 2000 and is listed at 938 in 2002.


  • Zahara (Arabic) “flower, most exquisite”

    Zahara is not in the top 1000 names for any year of birth beginning with the year 2000 on the SSA website.

  • Zoey (Greek) “life”

    Zoey increased rapidly in popularity over the years. In 2000 it was listed at 409 but ranked 38 in 2021.

Not sure if you’re having a girl or boy? Listed below are just a few of many more posts with baby names to consider. If you’re already settled on a name, we have middle name lists too!


Boy Names With Strong Meanings

Short Baby Boy Names

Two-syllable Male Names

Middle Names Lists

47 Emma Middle Names

61 Luna Middle Names

beautiful girl names text above baby girl with floral bow and blue eyes

We’d love to hear if you have any favorite baby names from our list. Or maybe you’ve got a name suggestion that you’d like added?

Either way, leave a comment and let us know!


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